Blessing of the Jean Leuduger community, St. Francis Catholic School, Idimu, Lagos State Nigeria.
Charity, a DHS Novice carries the Holy water while Fr. Chikere blesses the house sprinkling the Holy Water Charity, a DHS Novice carries the Holy water while Fr. Chikere blesses the house sprinkling the Holy Water Fr Chikere celebrates the Mass for the blessing Other DHS Srs at the occasion Some Parishioners at the Occasion Sr Dora shows Fr Chikere around as he blesses the house These 4 Srs make up this community: Sr Dora DHS,Sr Lucy DHS, Sr Rose E DHS & Sr Rose O DHS These 4 Srs make up this community: Sr Dora DHS,Sr Lucy DHS, Sr Rose E DHS & Sr Rose O DHS Two members of this community:Srs Rose E & Rose O celebrated the thanksgiving of their Final Profession
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